
Department of Public Monitoring and Work with Administrative Barriers

1. participation in the activities of NCE in terms of presentation, protection of rights and legal interests of business entities;
2. participation in organization of effective interaction between business entities and their associations (unions) with government authorities on matters affecting the interests of business entities;
3. promotion of establishment of favorable legal, economic and social conditions for implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4. other tasks stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents of NCE RK.
1.maintenance of the Register of problem issues of entrepreneurs and maps of their solution;
2. public monitoring of the quality of public services;
3. preparation and conduction of public monitoring of regulations on evaluation of the extent to which the problems and challenges were solved;
4. inventory of permits (procedures) and notifications;
5. regulatory impact analysis of normative legal acts;
6. organization of work on reduction of administrative barriers in some industries by making changes and additions to the regulations and their drafts;
7. optimization of control and supervision activities of government agencies;
8. representation, promotion and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of businesses, organization of effective interaction between business entities and their associations (unions) with government agencies;
9. participation in the peer advisory bodies at the central state bodies, working groups and advisory councils, established on matters affecting the rights and responsibilities of entrepreneurs;
10. participation in development and expertise of normative legal acts affecting the interests of business entities;
11. provision of methodological assistance to entrepreneurs.
1. The Law of RK dated by December 29, 2014 # 269-V  LRK "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the radical improvement of the business environment in Kazakhstan";
2. The Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by January 21, 2015 #32 "On approval of the Rules on the Regulatory Impact Analysis";
